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Registration Form

Who can register

To be eligible to register you must whakapapa/affiliate to any one or more of the hapū shown below, who have exercised, or descend from those who have exercised customary rights within the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua claimant area.

Why register?

To be notified of important issues and decisions affecting Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua claims. To have a say - registered beneficiaries 18 years and over can vote on claims related matters. To receive information of benefits that you may be entitled to resulting from settlement of historical claims.

Fields coloured red and in bold are mandatory.

Personal Details

Title: Mr: Mrs: Miss: Ms:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Maiden Name:
Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Whangai: [Please tick if you are whangai]


Contact Details

Home Address
No. & Street Name:
Postcode: (postcode finder)
Postal Address (if different from home address)
Post Box or Street:
Postcode: (postcode finder)
Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Fax Number:
Email Address:
Email Listing:


Tamariki Details

To be completed for any of your tamariki. If you require an additional page please use the space provided at the back of this registration form. If any of your tamariki are over 18 they may complete a separate registration form.

First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


First Name:
Middle Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)
Gender: (M/F)


Whakapapa Details

  Grand Father
  Grand Mother


  Grand Father
  Grand Mother


Hapū Affiliations

Below are the affiliated hapu, please tick all those you belong to. You must select at least one.

Mere Te Huinga Ngāti Kahukuraawhitia Ngāti Puta Ngāti Te Korou
Ngāi Herukokiri Ngāti Kahukuranui Ngāti Raekaumoana Ngāti Te Opekai*
Ngāi Pakaru Ngāti Kahungunu Ngāti Raetea Ngāti Te Rangikoianake
Ngāi Tahu Ngāti Kaihuitu Ngāti Rakaihikuroa* Ngāti Te Rangitawhanga
Ngāi Tahu-Makakanui Ngāti Kaiparuparu Ngāti Rakaipaaka** Ngāti Te Rangiwhakaoma
Ngāi Tamahau Ngāti Kaitahi* Ngāti Rakairangi Ngāti Te Riponga*
Ngāi Taneroa (aka Ngāi Taneroroa) Ngāti Kaiwahie Ngāti Rakaiwhakairi (aka Ngāi Rakaiwhakairi*) Ngāti Te Rore*
Ngāi Tangihia Ngāti Kakawa Ngāti Rangaranga* Ngāti Te Ruinga*
Ngāi [Ngāti] Te Ao** Ngāti Kauhi* Ngāti Rangitataia Ngāti Te Tohinga*
Ngāi Te Aomataura* Ngāti Kaumoana Ngāti Rangitehewa Ngāti Te Tomo
Ngāi Te Huki Ngāti Kawekairangi Ngāti Rangitotohu Ngāti Te Umuiti
Ngāi Te Rangi Ngāti Kere** Ngāti Rangiwhakaewa Ngāti [Te] Whakamana
Ngāi [Te] Rangiakau Ngāti Kikiri Ngāti Raukau* Ngāti Te Whatui
Ngāi Te Rehunga Ngāti Kirikohatu* Ngāti [Te] Rautangata* Ngāti [Te] Whatuiapiti
Ngāi Torohewaho Ngāti Komuka* Ngāti Rongomaiaia* Ngāti Te Wheke*
Ngāi Tumapuhia-a-Rangi Ngāti Koro* Ngāti Rua* Ngāti Tu**
Ngāi Tumokai Ngāti Koura* Ngāti Ruawahia* Ngāti Tuhakeke*
Ngāi Tunuiarangi* Ngāti Maahu Ngāti Ruawahine* Ngāti Tukaihara
Ngāi Whaiwhati Ngāti Marere Ngāti Tahitokoru Ngāti Tukoko
Ngāti Hakeke* Ngāti Maru Ngāti Tahuahi* Ngāti Tumanawa
Ngāti Hamua Ngāti Maruinga Ngāti Taitama Ngāti Tumanuhiri
Ngāti Hikarahui* Ngāti Matangihia* Ngāti Takoto Ngāti Tuohungia
Ngāti Hikarara* Ngāti Matangiuru Ngāti Tauiao Ngāti Tupai
Ngāti Hikawera Ngāti Matehou Ngāti Tamaiwhakitea Ngāti Turanga
Ngāti Hinaariki Ngāti Meroiti Ngāti Tangatakau Ngāti Tutawake*
Ngāti Hineararangi Ngāti Moe** Ngāti Tangimoana Ngāti Tutemiha*
Ngāti Hinekorako Ngāti Mopuna Ngāti Tapatu Ngāti Tutohengarangi*
Ngāti Hinemanu** Ngāti Muretu Ngāti Tatuki Ngāti Upokoiri
Ngāti Hinepare** Ngāti Mutuahi Ngāti Te Ahuahu Ngāti Waipuhoro*
Ngāti Hinerangi Ngāti Ngapuoterangi Ngāti Te Aokino* Ngāti Wananga
Ngāti Hinerarau Ngāti [Te] Noti* Ngāti Aomatarahi Ngāti Whaiwhenua
Ngāti Hineraumoa Ngāti Pa Te Ika Ngāti Te Hangarakau Ngāti Whatangarerewa
Ngāti Hinetauira Ngāti Pakapaka Ngāti Te Hau Ngāti Whiritoroa
Ngāti Hinetea Ngāti Pakuia* Ngāti Te Hauaitu* Ngāti [Te] Whiunga (aka Whiunga)
Ngāti Hineterorangi Ngāti Parakiore Ngāti Te Hina Te Ahu a Turanga
Ngāti Hinewaka Ngāti Parera Ngāti Te Hoori  
Ngāti Hopara Ngāti Pohatu Ngāti Te Hukairangi Te Hika a Papauma ki Whakataki
Ngāti Horohanga Ngāti Pohoi* Ngāti Kai Te Kapua Matatoru
Ngāti Ihaka Rautahi Ngāti Puha* Ngāti Te Kari* Te Uma Whanui
Ngāti Ira** Ngāti Punawera*   Tu mai te Uru

Note: Further hapū may be added as additional research is undertaken. Research will also continue in relation to any other tribal affiliations that the hapu included in this list may have, and if any other affiliations are identified, further discussions will take place with the hapū and the relevant mandated body.

* Denotes further research will be undertaken in relation to the tribal affiliations of these hapū and where appropriate discussions will take place with the hapū and the relevant mandated group.

** Indicates that it is acknowledged that these hapū names are also included in the claimant definitions of other large natural groups. Discussions will take place with the hapū and the relevant mandated group.


Hapū Karanga

This is a mandatory field, select the ONE primary hapū karanga to which you strongly affiliate. In doing so you will be eligible to vote for and elect a hapū karanga representative to be a trustee on the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust. You may only vote for one hapū karanga representative, however Tāmaki Nui ā Rua hapū karanga has two trustees due to the large geographic area and number of marae they represent. Each hapū karanga represents a number of affiliated hapū/marae through close whakapapa and whenua links. This registration form will be referred to and considered for approval by the Whakapapa Committee of the hapū karanga you have nominated below.

Ākura Hapū Karanga Ngāti Hinewaka Hapū Karanga Wairarapa Moana Hapū Karanga
Tāmaki Nui ā Rua Hapū Karanga Papawai Marae Hapū Karanga Te Hika a Papauma ki Whakataki Marae Hapū Karanga
Hurunuiorangi Marae Hapū Karanga Te Ore Ore Marae Hapū Karanga Ngāi Tūmapūhia ā Rangi Hapū Karanga


Privacy Notice

Tick the box if you agree to receive information relating to general meetings, claims updates, and other postal ballot papers so that you may vote on elections, constitutional amendments or other claim related matters. Being on the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust register is very important because it is our main contact-link with you and gives you a direct say in decisions that affect you and your whanau. Having registered with the Trust, you will automatically become registered with the Post Settlement Governance Entity.

Select one of the following options only:

Tick the box if you agree to your whakapapa details being held with the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust and the primary hapū karanga you have nominated above.
Tick the box if you agree to your whakapapa details being held with the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust only.
Tick the box if you agree to your whakapapa details being held with the primary hapū karanga you have nominated above only.




This is a mandatory field, you must tick this box.
I hereby declare that I am the person making this application and that the information which I have provided in this registration form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the information I provided will be used solely for the purposes of the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust in developing their register of beneficiaries. The Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust will deal with this personal information in accordance with its obligations under the Privacy Act 1993 and the Privacy Principles stated therein. I will contact the Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tāmaki nui-a-Rua Settlement Trust should my address or details change in the future.


Additional Information